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You can subscribe to K-Kidz magazine to receive 4 issues per year.

Vol 1
Vol 1: The Earth Issue
$ 16.50 

Celebrating Earth Day, the feature article for the Premiere issue introduces some of the environmental issues in Korea. You will gain a better understanding of Korean culture by getting to know how Koreans protect the environment as well as how they enjoy and interact with nature. You will also learn about some traditional Korean activities for spring, such as coloring nails with Balsam and making Hwa-Jeon, a flower cake.

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K-Kidz magazine is available in USA only.
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Vol 2
Vol 2: The Family Issue
$ 16.50 

Korean families have a culture of sacrificial love and affection. At an early age, children learn to respect their elders and show good manners within their families. Through the articles in the magazine, children will learn about Korea’s traditional family culture and have time to think about their own family dynamics. In addition, we have prepared various activities that they can do with their family for fun, such as making a hyodo list, interviewing parents, calculating the degrees of kinship among their relatives, and learning a bibimbap recipe. It’s a terrific way to learn more about Korean family traditions and spend time getting closer to each other!

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K-Kidz magazine is available in USA only.
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